Here is a great resource for your graduating students. Lots of information about scholarships and FAFSA. Also great resources for learning about basic money management.
Students Basics for Financial Literacy – Affording Tuition (
South Bannock Library District
Welcome to South Bannock Library District Website
Downey Library
18 North Main, PO Box D
Downey, ID 83234
(208) 897-5270
Lava Library
33 East Main, PO Box 369
Lava Hot Springs, ID 83246
(208) 776-5301
McCammon Library
808 Center, PO Box 360
McCammon, ID 83250
(208) 254-9003
Future Inkom Library
321 Holstein Street
Inkom, ID 83245
(208) 897-5270
Here is a great resource for your graduating students. Lots of information about scholarships and FAFSA. Also great resources for learning about basic money management.
Students Basics for Financial Literacy – Affording Tuition (